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The waste water from residential/commercial complexes are unstable poly dispense system. These can have coarse and fine particles along with high COD and BOD. Sewage treatment refers to the process of removing contaminants, micro-organisms & other type of pollutants from household sewage. Sewage waste is generated in high amount which is polluting many water bodies. Our latest technology based STP system not only purify liquid waste but also produce chemical free sludge which can be used as manure in horticulture. The main purpose of a sewage treatment system is to remove waste water from points of origin to a treatment facility or place of disposal.

Advantages of STP

ETP it is a type of industrial waste water treatment method to purify industrial waste for reuse or for discharge. Effluent from different industries contain various materials, depending on the industry. Some effluents contain oil and grease and some contain toxic materials. Effluent from automobile industry contain heavy metals and effluent from food and beverages industries contain degradable organic pollutant. Since industrial waste water contain various type of impurities therefore specific treatment technology is required for each industry. ETP plant works on different level and involves primary treatment, biological treatment, filtration and tertiary treatment.

In zero liquid discharge even a single drop of water is not allowed to discharge. Our most advanced ZLD plant have more than 98% water recovery. We have successfully imbibed most updated technologies and come up with best results